No faff just book your gaff
Groupia-friendly properties
Over 500K happy customers

The easiest way to book your stay!

Six simple steps to securing that perfect property.

1 Find it

Find that ideal stay, and tell us your dates and group size.

2 Send it

Click 'Check Availability' and your enquiry will be sent to the property owner.

3 Secure it

Once the availability is confirmed, you'll receive an email asking you to pay your deposit.

Groupia Stays properties
Groupia Stays properties

4 Got it

When the deposit has been paid the booking will be approved, and you'll receive your final balance deadline date.

5 Locate it

And when that's all sorted, you'll receive your itinerary and directions to the property.

6 Love it

Head off on a memorable getaway everyone will love.

Book With Confidence

500,000 Ecstatic Customers

Over 500,000 people have enjoyed a memorable event with Groupia across the UK, Europe and further afield.

We're Excellent

All of Groupia's brands are rated 'Excellent' on Trustpilot, so you can relax in the knowledge that you're booking through a tried and tested company that deliver on their promises.

Groupia-Friendly Properties

Many of the properties featured on Groupia Stays are from trusted suppliers we've been working with for many years who meet our impeccably high standards.

Groupia Stays book with confidence
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